Skans » 29 Jan 2025, 8:54 am » wrote: ↑
Like I said, I do not pretend to know God's Plan.
Regarding the Jews. They were chosen by God. Not to be God's favorites, but to keep God's commandments - the ones he gave to Moses to deliver and teach the Jews. Did the Jews keep God's commandments? Were they being punished? I don't know. But, I do know this. The Germans tried to wipe them out. Then what happens? Immediately after they were freed in Europe, they were given, took back, however it came about, their ancient land promised to them by God. And, some 70 years later, they are one of the world's most powerful military powers (
of course, with help from U.S.A.).
Ask yourself, is it possible that all our times here on Earth could be some sort of painful "lesson-learning" time? Remember,
even you will die no worse, no better than the Euro-Jews who where killed in the 1940's. Perhaps your brains get splattered in a car crash. Maybe an artery will burst in your brain's neural network drowning your thoughts, memories everything you are here, in blood. Or, maybe you will get cancer, go through 3 rounds of chemotherapy thinking you "beat cancer", only to have it eat your flesh from the inside out, strapped to a hospital bed in your living room, while Haitian hospice workers rob you blind.
Do you honestly believe your fate will be better than those Jews who were gassed in Europe?